Charlotte Ann Paul Stained Glass

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S T.   T H O M A S   L U T H E R A N







The stained-glass windows maintain an abundance of natural light into the sanctuary, using the Story of Creation theme from Genesis. (NRSV, the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible).   The architecture and interior design of St. Thomas gives the congregation an opportunity to sit in an aesthetically beautiful semi- circular setting. The stained glass is positioned above the surrounding limestone wall and is complementary to the natural wood, ceramic art and pipe organ found within the sanctuary.

My thoughts about the project
The design is a contemporary interpretation of the seven days of creation, found in the biblical Book of Genesis.  Realistic and abstract elements are visually woven from left to right within the sanctuary.

Process and fabrication
A slightly textured clear glass that allowed the natural beauty of exterior trees to remain visible achieved the committee’s desire that the stained-glass windows become an intricate element of the sanctuary. Traditional lead techniques with antique hand-blown glass are incorporated throughout the installation.


812-345-8244 |